Chris Webby got a bit of exposure as part of an elaborate April Fool's Day prank pulled off by the Webby Awards.
If you're not familiar with the Webby Awards, they are the awards for all things Internet. They've been around for years, since before Webby's first mixtape - a fact apparently lost on many of those fooled on 4/1.
The prank? A law firm supposedly on retainer for the Chris Webby camp sent a "cease-and-desist" letter to the Webby Awards, claiming ownership of the Twitter hashtag #Webby - and threatening to sue for more than $100,000 in damages if the Webbys don't stop using it. Immediately.
The letter was reported in a news release by the Webby Awards folks and, as you can imagine, had the awards show's many followers all a-twitter. It was reported as news on at least one law blog, where the idea of hashtag ownership was debated all day.
The next day, the Webby Awards revealed the letter for what it was: an April Fool's Day joke.
Read about the prank on the Above The Law Blog:
And check out the Webby Awards reveal here:
#Webby #Ninjaswag #AprilFoolsBitches
Hahaha that's some funny ISH bro!